Writing Reading Books


Writing Supports

In another post, I discussed my naivety concerning writing and the writing process. Part of the process is spending long hours alone, writing. You become so involved in your process of writing that friendships, family activities often go by the wayside. One of the most common problems is that the author becomes so engaged with fictional characters than real people fade out of her life.  How to combat this problem? As a writer, I highly recommend joining some of these groups or at least trying different groups out to enhance… Read more

The Joy of Writing

In the past, I have written nursing books, professional articles, and articles for newspapers and blogs. I am inviting you to join me as I venture into a whole new area: Romance fiction.  It is scary not to have my nursing to hold onto for support, but how else will you know if you can do something unless you jump off the cliff of the unknown and risk it.  First of all, I immediately learned that it is not just sitting down and writing out a story. Writing is a… Read more

Why I love Gardening in Raised Beds:

There are a lot of gardeners in Sacramento that are starting gardens. They are a source of rich, natural foods to supplement your diet and provide a small amount towards becoming more independent or sustainable.  There are many reasons I chose raised beds for my garden even though I have plenty of room for a garden.  The raised beds allow the soil to heat up faster in the spring, so you can plant your plants earlier than a regular garden with tilled soil. You can control the soil better with… Read more


Many writers talk about how they started, and it usually begins with, “I’ve wanted to be a writer all my life.” Sometimes they talk about their first writing venture in grade school. That is not the case with me. Oh, I love stories. My favorite times included building a corn-cob fire, roasting marshmallows, and my grandmother sharing stories of her childhood. Do I wish I had written them all down? Absolutely. No, however, I do remember a lot of them. Some of the stories were ghost stories and they all… Read more